Can QHHT sessions be done remotely?
The short answer is No. QHHT sessions cannot be done remotely.
Back in the day, when Dolores Cannon created this beautiful hypnotherapy modality, she believed that sessions must be done in person. This was back in the day, long before covid came and changed the world as we know it, or the internet had gotten as important as it is today.
Now, while QHHT sessions cannot be done remotely, there is another option, which is called BQH- Beyond Quantum Healing.
Read more on BQH below:
BQH was created by one of Dolores Cannons students, who believed that yes, sessions should be able to be done remotely, and over time she has been proven accurate.
In many ways, Remote sessions can be more powerful then in person, and this might come as a shock to some, but the thing about being remote, is that both parties remain in their own space and energies aren't mixing up with each other.
During an in person session, the client typically travels to the practitioner's residence, and is in a different space then their own. This can cause stress, anxiety and uncertainty going into the experience.
In my own experience, I have had better results during remote sessions. It feels safer to me to be in my own space and just have my zoom opened on my computer.
Yes there is always the possibility of internet disconnections, or interference, but it thankfully has never been an issue for me yet.
So to conclude, No QHHT session cannot be done remotely, doing so can result in the practioner losing their credibilty with QHHT. However, BQH sessions can be, and they are pretty much the same thing as QHHT, they just go BEYOND what Dolores taught, and its a beautiful thing.
With Love and Light,
Lindsay @ World Dreamerz