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Humans are powerful creators...

Updated: Nov 20, 2024

“Create, Create, Create”

Is what I have been guided to do recently, just create… 

We are such powerful creators, and we truly can create anything that we desire, I have proven this to myself time and time again…

My most recent creation of course was a big one, as I had successfully created the life of my dreams, the life I had wanted for so many years when I was in my early twenties.

I would sit at work, daydreaming about getting on a flight with my one way ticket in hand, unsure of when I would return, if ever….

With the power we hold, we can create this and so much more, the life of our dreams? No problem, as long as you ask, and believe in your dream you will receive. 

Asking is the first step, and often the hardest, as we often are scared to ask… With all our thoughts of being unworthy swimming around our minds…

Who are we to ask for something so luxurious? 

Who are we to ask for the life of our dreams?

And the thing is, if you can't get over this and simply ask, you will never be able to receive. It's just how the universe works.

In all honesty, the universe is incredibly simple, we humans make it highly complex, thinking well if I do this, and do this, and stand on my head and count to 10000 then the universe will bring me X,Y and Z…….

It's really great what we come up with, what we think we need to do in order to receive the things we want in life….

Really all it comes down to is, do you feel that you are worthy of living the life of your dreams?

Answer this to yourself honestly. Don't just say yes right away, really dig deep and look…

Are you worthy of this?

If there is even a tiny hint of a no, this is where you begin. 

One must feel worthy on every level of their being, and then guess what happens???

You will become a manifesting magnet!!

Everything you want and more will come flying into your life, just like magic! 

It's truly remarkable. 

You truly can have anything you want in your life, remember this when you feel like things just aren't going your way, or you forget your innate power… Remember how loved & cherished you truly are. 

You are a brilliant creator, and when you start to get clear on what it is you want for yourself and your life, ask for it, and believe it will come to you in ways you can't even imagine. 

This is how I created the life I am living, which literally is the life I had dreamed about in my early twenties…

Now that I am in my 30s, this dream has expanded, and even that is now moving towards me faster than I had thought… The right people are showing up right on time, and what I thought was a 10 year goal, now seems possible in the next 6 months to a year. 

Things are speeding up, and the time from thought to thing is becoming faster and faster, so make sure you are certain about the things you are asking for.

If at any level, you do not feel you deserve to live the life of your dreams, please consider booking a session with me, as this is one of the many things I help people release in a Beyond Quantum Healing session…

Releasing unworthiness, and allowing you to embrace the love that is there for you.

For more information, please take a look at some of the other posts I have written, and until next time, keep on shining, dear brilliant one! 

With Love and Light,

Lindsay @World Dreamerz

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About Lindsay

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The Creator of World Dreamerz, an Aquarius sun with a huge dream for humanity, Lindsay intends to make the world a better place for the generations to come.


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