Exploring The New Earth Realm- A Beyond Quantum Healing session
Following is an experience I had during a BQH session a couple of years ago, and I wanted to share it here because it was a profound and life changing experience.
As I came down off the cloud, I was in a tropical oasis, and there were several small islands around me. I was in the water, and it was warm and came up to about my knees. I looked down and noticed I was wearing a beautiful flowing white dress.
I walked towards the shore of this one island and I started to explore it. I noticed a bird sitting in a tree, he had all the colors of the rainbow in him, and he was a large bird, about the size of a cat.
I asked him if he had any messages for me, and he said, just let it be, and I asked let what be? He replied: Let life be.
Then he told me to follow him and he flew ahead of me, about a foot off the ground and led me to this cave. I went inside and took note of the drawings on the cave wall.
Then the bird told me to put my hand on one of the walls, and in that moment the walls opened up, and I was now walking into a huge cavern…
This cavern was what we call the inner earth, and it was expansive! There was so much going on, I had a hard time focusing on anything. All these beings were just going about their day, most of them I had no name for… It was a busy place!
I continued walking down this path, until suddenly it just stopped, and I was standing over a huge cliff side. At that point I called in a guide to help, as I knew I would need to fly in order to move around.
A woman wearing a beautiful white dress arrived with a big smile, and she held out a light purple stone and I took it. Once I did, my feet immediately floated off the ground.
She said, it wasn't so much the stone that had the power to allow humans to fly, it was the belief of the human, and since I already believed it was possible, the stone just helped solidify that belief.
So off we went together, flying through this cavern, and we arrived at the most beautiful garden I have ever seen in my life. It had so many different plants and flowers, I could hear many different waterfalls in the distance, and it was just so tranquil and serene. I felt like I could stay there forever.
My guide put her hands over my eyes and said that humans would start seeing beauty and color first. That would be the first indication that we are entering into New Earth, and she said that on many levels this is already happening!
Then she got excited and said, we have to go now! We have many things to do today!
So off we went, flying through the air once more, and we arrived at what I considered to be a rollercoaster, and we got in. The ride took off barrelling down the tracks, and this woman sitting beside me was literally having the time of her life! She was waving her arms, and screaming loudly, like a child, having lots of fun on this ride. I laughed because it looked pretty hilarious, and I was also jealous that she could have so much fun!
We arrived still inside this cavern, but at this massive building. She told me it was called the Temple of Knowledge, and it had stone stairs leading up to the door, and 4 columns on the outside. The 4 columns seemed to be important to note as my awareness kept going back to them.
We walked up the stairs and inside. Then she turned to me and asked, “well what would you like to know?” She explained that this temple held all the knowledge that humans could ever want to know.
The question was overwhelming to me, as I stood there for a few moments confused, and then finally I told her, “I don't know, why don't you pick for me?”
She rolled her eyes and sighed, “Of course, I should have known!”
Then she leads me to the back of the temple. And she pulls out this one card like disc that is just pure light and hands it to me, it says “Understanding Human Nature”
I take it and hold it for a few moments, and I feel tingly, and as if now I can understand everything a human says or does. She explains this will be of great benefit in the years to come for me, especially with the work I do.
Once we finish with that, we go upstairs, and she says there is one last thing she wants me to know at this time.
So we arrive at this one that is very different from all the others. They all look the same, these white cards of light. This one however, is sitting in the center of the room, and it is inside of a fountain. It is a golden orb about the size of an orange.
On the side it says- Fountain of Youth
She hands me the orb. I hold it for several moments as we talk.
She tells me that this knowledge has been sought after by humans for as long as humans have been around. She explains that this temple is not a physical place that one can get to, it is in the astral realms and can only be accessed by a highly conscious human with a pure heart. She emphasized the pure heart by saying. Those who will only do good things with this knowledge in this temple are able to find it… Just like you!
And she adds that it can only be found with a guide.
I'm curious about this fountain of youth, so she explains that humans can live for as long as they want. They don't have to die, and can choose when they do exit the physical body. She says to me that with this knowledge I can live for as long as I want, and I do not ever have to worry about death.
The orb then asks me 3 questions which are:
“If you knew you could live forever, what would you do?”
“If you knew you would never die, what would you create?”
“If you knew your creations would live on forever, what would you create?”
They were rhetorical questions and did not require an answer. Just were given to ponder over.
Then as I was sitting across from this woman, she suddenly said to me, “By the way, I am you from the future! You weren't meant to recognize me at the start of this, but I am you, and I still look so young because of the very knowledge that you are obtaining now!!”
I am shocked, but ultimately not that surprised, as it made sense when I thought about it!
Then she said to me, common, we have one more place we got to go visit today!
So we get up, and put the orb back in the fountain, and leave the temple back out to the rollercoaster. We get back on, and once again she is going crazy with enthusiasm, having the best time ever!
This time the rollercoaster takes us outside, into this vast field of green grass. There are mountains all around us, and it is such a majestic place.
There is nothing in this field that I can see, although it feels very busy.
Then as if by magic, one by one, rides start to appear out of nowhere in this field, roller coasters, and waterslides, and swings, and other rides I did not ever see before.
And they were all interconnected in such an intricate & elaborate way.
She explains to me that one day I would create waterparks & amusement parks, and because the way my mind works, they would be very unique and different from anything else anyone has ever created before.
She also explains that I need not worry about money at all, for that will come naturally, and that I was encouraged to start planning these things now, as why not?
Finally she says that I will create many many things here on Earth during my life, as I'm going to be here for a very long time, and I will have many different creations here!
At this point the session came to an end, and I came back up to normal, everyday awareness.